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A Slice of History: Let's Explore The Origins of Quiche Lorraine

A Slice of History: Let's Explore The Origins of Quiche Lorraine

Welcome, gluten-free foodies and history buffs! Time to learn a bit about the story of Quiche Lorraine, a dish that not only boasts a rich history but has also captured the taste buds of many with its savoury flavours and buttery textures!

Close your eyes and picture this: it’s the 16th century and you find yourself smack dab in the picturesque countryside of Lorraine, France. The air is thick with the scent of buttery pastries and bacon sizzling to crispy perfection. Here, the Quiche Lorraine was born, a masterpiece that has stood the test of time.

Now, let's debunk a myth right off the bat. Despite its fancy French name, Quiche Lorraine is not some fancy dish reserved for the rich. In fact, it was originally a humble meal enjoyed by peasants who needed a hearty, portable snack to fuel their hard day's work. Think of it as the OG fast food, but with a touch of French flair!

Legend has it that during medieval times, inventive chefs faced the challenge of stretching meagre ingredients to feed the masses. So, they whipped up a concoction of eggs, cream, and bacon nestled snugly in a golden pastry crust. And voila, the Quiche Lorraine was born, a rustic marvel that delighted both kings and commoners alike.

But wait, the story has a twist! The earliest reference to a quiche-like dish actually dates back to the 14th century in the German region of Lothringen. Quiche Lorraine had its roots in German cuisine before the French added their own unique twist to the recipe.

So, what's the deal with the name? Well, "Quiche" comes from the German word "kuchen" meaning cake, while "Lorraine" pays homage to the region where it so called all began. But don't let the name fool you; this dish is anything but ordinary. 

Let’s not forget the pièce de résistance—the crust. While modern versions of Quiche Lorraine typically feature a buttery pastry crust, the original recipe called for a bread-like dough known as "pain à choux". Talk about a blast from the past!

Ah, the filling – a velvety concoction of eggs, cream, and, of course, bacon. Legend has it that the original Quiche Lorraine contained nothing more than eggs, cream, and smoked pork, but we like to shake things up a bit. Here at Baked, our quiches range from caramelised red onions and goat cheese to smoked cheddar and all the way to tomato, the possibilities are endless!

But let's fast forward to the 19th century, where Quiche Lorraine finally got its big break. It wasn't until the dish crossed the English Channel that it became the brunch sensation we know and love today. So, if you've ever found yourself brunching on Quiche Lorraine, you can pat yourself on the back that we made the Quiche Lorraine the star it is today!

As Quiche Lorraine gained popularity across Europe, variations of the dish began to emerge. For example, chefs swapped out the bacon for ham and added onions to the filling, creating a variation known as Quiche Alsacienne. Meanwhile, in America, chefs experimented with different fillings, leading to a wide range of quiche variations, including spinach, mushroom, and seafood quiches.

But enough about history – let's talk taste. Imagine sinking your teeth into a golden crust, that melts in your mouth with each bite. Then, as you delve deeper, you're greeted by a creamy egg and milk base, infused with the smoky aroma. It's a flavour explosion that'll leave you craving more.

No matter where you go in the world, one thing remains constant: the irresistible allure of Quiche Lorraine. It's a dish that transcends borders and cultures, bringing people together with its delicious flavours and rich history.

So, there you have it – the tale of Quiche Lorraine, from its humble beginnings in the French countryside to its rightful place on our gluten-free menu. Whether you're a history buff or just someone who enjoys food, one thing's for sure: the Quiche Lorraine is one slice of history you won't want to miss!

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