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Autumn’s Creeping In – Time to Get Gluten Free Pies to Warm You Up!

Autumn’s Creeping In – Time to Get Gluten Free Pies to Warm You Up!

Here we are again, guys. Autumn’s doing that sneaky thing where it turns up uninvited like the mate who never leaves. One minute, we’re basking in summer sun, and the next, BAM! We’re scrambling for jumpers, pretending we’re “fine” with the early sunsets and happy to go searching for the thermals. But you know what? There’s one thing that makes this seasonal shift totally worth it:Pies.

Yep, we said it. Pies are your new best mate this autumn. Why? Because they’re the ultimate cozy comfort food. Forget hugging a hot water bottle or sitting by the fire (unless the fire’s IN an oven, baking you a pie!). A perfectly baked pie does all the heavy lifting to warm you up from the inside out.

Let’s Talk Pie Magic

First off, a pie isn’t just food. It’s a love letter wrapped in a golden crust. Imagine sinking your fork into that first bite of tasty pastry, feeling the warmth escape as you hit the filling. Whether it’s our classic steak, ale and chestnut mushroom, a rich chicken, bacon and leek, or even a cheeky veggie tagine option, there’s a pie for every taste bud and mood. Heck, we’ve got gluten and wheat-free pies that taste like you’ve found a magic loophole in the pastry universe.

You might be thinking, "Why pies, though? Why not a stew or soup?" Well, soup doesn’t have a crust, does it? Let’s be honest: a pie’s like the superhero of comfort food. It’s hearty, it’s filling, and that crispy pastry top? Absolute game changer. Plus, it’s portable, so you can take that warm hug-in-food-form anywhere. Want to sit outside and pretend it’s still summer? Take a pie. Need to cosy up on the sofa with a blanket? Yep, pie’s got your back.

Autumn Vibes, But Make It Delicious

There’s something about autumn that just screams for pie. Maybe it’s the crispy leaves underfoot, the chill in the air, or the fact that wearing oversized jumpers means you can eat more pie and no one will notice (bonus!). Whatever it is, pie season is here, and we’re here for it.

Those brisk autumn evenings, you’re snuggled up in your comfiest gear, and what’s that smell wafting from the oven? Oh, that’s your pie, ready to make everything better. One bite, and you’re basically saying, “Summer who?” Because autumn with a pie is all about warmth, comfort, and flavour that’ll knock your woolly socks off.

Warm Hands, Warm Heart, Warmer Pie

Here’s the deal: when autumn creeps in, don’t panic. Embrace it. Let the pies do the heavy lifting. Grabbing one of our gluten-free beauties to heat up at home to treat yourself is the ultimate seasonal sidekick.

So, don’t let the shorter days and frosty mornings get you down. Grab a pie, wrap yourself in a blanket (preferably not both at the same time unless you’re into that), and let the crisp, pastry warm you from head to toe. Honestly, life’s too short for bad weather and cold food. Keep it toasty with the power of pie!

It’s autumn. It’s pie time. Let’s go.


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